Friday, June 22, 2012

Ice-Breaker by Cordaroe Oscar

Ice- Breaker

The night was icy but I didn't mind

The cold cozy drive to the beautiful estate

My body was cold but I felt fine

Deep thoughts about love, wine and steak

The cold air touched my skin

The snow was falling like no end

My fingers were frozen and so was my chin

Ran into the house from the brittle wind

She pulled off my shoes and rubbed my feet

And given a massage by  my new girl friend

Glad we a had the chance to finally meet

It feels like a new love trend

All those long days was worth the wait

She’s as pretty as a butterfly on a summer breezy day

I feel like a fish caught by bait

My heart beats for the love to stay

BROK_EN! Prose Poem by Cordaroe Oscar

... Soaked in despair
...The signature of sorry
... Holding a mirror of delusion
... Afraid to face tomorrow
... Broken heart needs repair
...Love narrow
...Affair you now regret
...Mammal so cruel
...You feel hopeless
...As you allow yourself to sink below  
...More ridiculous deep pain
...Yet your esteem is cold-stiff
...Many parade in your tears
...You won -You lost
... And now your game is over
... Accept your rainy days
...They are cloudy, dark and wet
... And now they drench you in water
...With a love you once met
...Somehow you forgot to be strong
...Encourage yourself
…Encourage yourself
...To help yourself
... Is a recipe that can’t go wrong!

Bootcamp – micro story by Cathryn Hintz (Revised)

The street lights quickly flash over my face as the blue military bus drives closer to my new home for the next six weeks. I think I know what to expect, but the butterflies in my stomach beg to differ. My mind is racing a mile a minute. All I can think about is will I survive? Once I enter, my nose plays tricks on me. I smell sweat, mud, and fear. As I step to the ground I meet her. No handshake but just barked orders to move and quick. My response is only yes ma’am. 

Father - A Ghazal by Cathryn Hintz

Father - Ghazal by Cathryn Hintz

He put my first worm on my first fishing pole     
He didn’t laugh because he is my father

He took me driving for the first time.
He was cautious and scared as my father.

He was on my left while walking down the aisle
He took this job with honor, tall and proud father 

He smiled ear to ear the first time he heard “Grandpa
He now had another little being looking up to him but know as Grandfather. 

He looks established and settled with his hairs of white.
Even with age and knowledge I am still his little girl and he is still Cathryn’s father 

Lollipop Red

Lollipop Red’s
new on the block,
Riding down the street, she makes men stop.
Riding Slow, sitting on chrome, 
Lollipop Red can split a happy home
she’s beautifully intoxicating, 
With Lollipop Red,
this Challenger is unbelievably amazing, its 
Lollipop red, 
The female driver said, 
Lollipop Red, Is also the color of the hairs on her head.
Staring at them both, I bend to kiss her hand
as I did this, I began to grin
Lollipop red, was tatted on her hand.
I knew right then,
Lollipop Red would be the cause of an old sin

Seven to Eight by Cordaroe Oscar

Seven to Eight
As the sun goes down,
he began to wake.
Street lights shining through the window
his eyes ache.
He doesn’t like this sound,
the screech of the L trains brakes.
His alarm clock starts to shake,
there’s no sound just shakes.
He looks to the time,
its Seven to EIGHT!
In his mind he feels late.
He began to dress
wanting to impress.
He looks to a calendar,
to view the date,
It’s Saturday,  
his YOLO night,
You Only Live Once.
His night goes on,
and his drinks don’t last,
he goes on draining the vodka from his glass.
The alcohol beast is here at last,
he quickly turns into a drunken mess.
Sweating and delusional, he
hops off the seat, throwing the first punch, 
to the first guy his fist meets
he gets it back as quick as a heartbeat.
As he engages in a fight,
Broken bottles catch flight
In his head everything’s going to be alright,
no thoughts of it being his last night
Bang Bang!, Shots are fired,
and he loses sight.
To everyone around,
this has become his last night.
He awakes in his room,
Street lights shining,
The L train screeches,
Alarm clock shakes,
He looks at the time
its Seven to Eight
He has feelings of being late
He looks to the calendar
Only to find
This date
Its Saturday
And every night
After was YOLO Night
Beginning at Seven to Eight

Starry Night - Ekphrastic Poem by Cathryn Hintz (Revised)

Starry Night – view of Van Gogh
I’m startled as the dependable bells of
The town’s church shakes me out of meditation.
All of the stars above have become my favorite medicine.
While I am Suffering
And hurting
And Grieving
 From a broken heart.
Those blurry flames in the sky
Have become my only friend.
Somehow I believe all are out to make me
My normal self again.
Extending and
Reaching, and
On my tippy toes is where I realize
 I have found the conclusion.
Just like her
 Those stars are just an illusion.

That First Moment - A Sonnet by Cathryn Hintz

That First Moment – A Sonnet by Cathryn Hintz
I looked at him for the first time after 9 months and 16 hours.
So petite and innocent he takes to me like magnetic force.
With so much hair and a cry to kill, of course,
I start to count all ten toes and fingers.
From the moment I saw him he now had all the power
To melt my heart and leave me with nothing but remorse
I knew this was going to be hard but it has become much worse.
How could he not want him? He was both of ours!

Knowing he will be leaving soon
I take every part of him in and burn into my mind.
I start to cry, I know I will always remember the 9th of June.
With every minute I become more restless and he begins to whine.
His new parents arrive, they seem happy and over the moon.
If only I knew how to tell them, that I’m keeping him, He’s mine.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Doctor's Life (Concrete Poem) - Sarah Ertl

A Doctor’s Life

Sirens are a common
sound to me, comfort
they offer me a future.
Sleep deprived I push
myself, more and more to be the best.  To beat
out all the others.  Studying words, most cannot
pronounce. Knowing I will make the difference of
life and death. Strangers will depend, trust in me.
I practice, and practice; desperate to make all the
right choices.   Knowing a mistake is not an option.
I work hours, days, it seems like weeks on end with
no breaks nor rest. I push harder and harder for my
profession.   Many  can
not handle the sadness.
But I know I am not one
of them.  I am a doctor.

I Have a Voice (Research Poem) - Rachel Hetland

I Have a Voice

A piece is missing.

Cries of a baby make my head thunder and thud.


Block the sound out.

Muffling voices, softer sounds

Tight and white they come in a pair

I won’t put them on.

I’ll put up a fight.

I can’t put them on

Because something just not right.


Closed shut.

That’s the way it should be.

Laughing, playing, they run all about

I sit from afar, not in, but out.

I can hear you speak,

But it’s not making much sense.

Teach me, tell me and

Show me.

Show me again, and again, and again.

I like to flap my hands like a flying bird

Shrieking and shouting is the spoken word.

I don’t always comply and can put up a fight

Round and round as fast as can be

The colors are blending and blurring around me.

I hear a voice from within

As images flash in my mind.

It’s telling me not to worry

And that things will be fine.

As I lay down to sleep,

Silently I pray for help to speak.

Help is coming

Find the missing piece.

On My Own (Persona poem) - Rachel Hetland

On my own

It’s 2am
It’s not time for school
I block the sound out.
I curl up tight
and try to tell myself good night.

It’s 7am,
it’s time for school.
I creek the door open
to take a peek,
but no one is around for me to seek.

Rotten food, booze and cigarette smoke
mingled together are making me churn.
I wonder if one day they’ll ever learn.

My pants are too tight like a fitted glove.
My shoes are tattered and old
and my top fits too tight,
but I manage everyday without a fight.

It’s a bright sunny day,
I must say
but, I hear a rumble of thunder today.
It’s not thunder today I thought
The sound was making me churn
As I looked for food
with some concern.

With a loud slam shut
I jumped down a few.
They rolled round beneath my feet,
as my shoes slipped on the surface beneath.
It rounded the corner
as I approached.
I boarded and took a seat
and wondered how someone
could mistreat.

It’s 2am
And it’s happening again
Is this really how my life is supposed to have been?
My life goes
round like a spinning top
I hope one day it will all stop.

Timber (Image Poem) - Rachel Hetland


Briskly walking.
Silently not talking.
Crackling beneath my feet.
The sun is as big as a yellow balloon.
Floating high up in the sky,
escaping through,
warming my glistening skin.
Gazing up it all surrounds me.
 I  stand as quiet as a mouse.
Rustling leaves, chirping birds, cracking sticks.
Not so silent after all.

Sleepless Night

It was hot.
The hot that sticks to your skin
To your hair
To your pillow.
As I tossed and turned,
It became evident that sleep
Had eluded me that night
So I clumsily adventured to my window.
Pressed my fingers to the wire mesh
The screen popped right out

Just sat on my roof.
Just sat and watched the night pass.
Then I saw it!
I saw the first brilliant wish maker
Soar across the sky.
I watched the metros
Pour from the sky
With bright light trials following them all
It turned out to be a beautiful night
To not sleep

The Sun

The earth comes alive with the rising of the sun
Fields produce their nourishment by the sun

Animals dash through the grasses and the forest
Back to their homes before the setting of the sun

The silvery moon takes its place in the sky at night
During the day light is given by the brilliant sun

The Lord created a way for us to see, by light
He created a way for us to live, by His Son

Life-giving faith has unfathomable power
People come alive with the rising of the Son

Daisy (Sonnet) - Sarah Ertl


As the sun begins to rise
I turn and twist
The robin cries
The cool morning mist

Blankets the sky
I yearn for heat
I want not to have time pass me by
Finally the sunlight and I meet

Tightly held shut
I begin to open
Tips of white I show but
Eager, I ache to display my token

It is at last my hour
I reveal I am but a simple flower

The Tragedy of the Volcanoes (Ekphrastic Poem) - Sarah Ertl

The Tragedy of the Volcanoes

Tragically slain by her own hand
Victorious he sits at bended knee
Sorrow and disbelief overtake him
Like a gazelle being overtaken by a cheetah
His tears fall like raindrops on a tin roof
Echoing for no one to hear
Incapable of leaving
Waiting, praying
He is a statue
The moon and sun
Playing their endless game of tag though the sky
As he remains
Unmoved by changing of the seasons
The mountain signs
Unable to breathe life back into her
She remains
As white as the snow she lay upon
Desperate to become one
They join the mountain
Not as nourishment for the earth
But as stone
Stationary and immovable
They transform the once silent mountain
Into an erupting, impassioned volcano

Painting: The Legend of the Volcanoes (1940) By: Jesus Helguera

Apparition (Micro Story) - Rachel Hetland


I stand in silence gazing out the Victorian window.  I peer out to see a wavy mirage erupting from the street. A tiny drop slides down my rosy cheek, and then….tiny, prickly goose bumps erupt.  It is no longer silent anymore. Cool air blows a whisp of my hair like a soft feather in the wind.  It comes as a soft whisper behind me.  Did I really just hear my name? There it is again! Do I dare turn around? My toes grip to the shaggy carpet. Fear was upon me and I turned around. Mouth open wide, trying to scream, but nothing came out. Dark shadow, I see him disappear. It was warm again and silent.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Collaborative Group Haiku – Rachel, Cathryn, Hannah, Sarah and Cordaroe

Beach Relief 
By: Rachel Hetland, Cathryn Hintz, Hannah Geiger, Sarah Ertl and Cordaroe Oscar

Blue waves are crashing
Sunshine beating down on me
Sand between my toes

Water crystal clear
Inviting and refreshing
Jump in to cool off

Dive into crystal
Blue water, it sparkles in
The scorching sunshine 

Floating, relaxing
Cool rolling waves support me
Fights off the sun's warmth

Getting out, diving in the deep,
Hitting the water with a chill
Hiding from the suns heat